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NAME: American goldfinch, or Carduelis tristis. Often called ``wild canary''

FAMILY: Finch family

COLORS: Summertime, male bright yellow with white wing bars and black cap and tail; female olive yellow with brownish-black wings and tail and white wing bars. Winter, both browner.

VOICE: Male voice canary like; call is see-me

HABITAT: Year-round in eastern Virginia. Likes weedy fields and suburban back yards. To attract, provide water because they love to bathe.

NESTING: Female builds cup of plant material woven tight enough to hold water and places it 4-14 feet above ground in fork of tree. Late nesters, June-September, with 4-5 pale blue eggs.

FOOD: In nature, thistle seeds, dandelions, goldenrods, weeds, vegetables and insects. At a feeder, thistle and sunflower seeds.

HELPFUL PLANTS: White ash, box elder, grape, sunflower, rose, red mulberry, osage orange, slash and loblolly pine, serviceberry, sweet gum and thistle.

Sources: ``How to Attract Birds'' by Ortho, ``Illustrated Guide to Birds'' by Sunset, ``Birds in Southern Gardens'' and ``Audubon Guide to North American Birds''

March 1998

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